QA Quality Assurance
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QC Quality Control
QCM Quartz Crystal Microbalances
QDR Quick Dump Rinse
QFD Quality Function Deployment
QFP Quad Flat Pack
QFT Quantum Field Theory
QHE Quantum Hall Experiment
QML Qualified Manufacturers List
QMS Quadrupole Mass Spectroscopy
QoS Quality of Service
QPC Quantum Point Contact
QPL Qualified Products List
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
QSOP Quarter Size Outline Package
QSR Quality System Review
QTA Quick Turn Around
QUAT-S QUAdruple Transceiver for S/T Interface
QW Quantum Well
QWIP Quantum Well, Infra-Red (Photodetector)
QWIR Quantum Well, Infra-Red (Detector)
QWR Quantum Wire


R Resistor; Rosin (flux)
R2R Run-to-run
Ra Radium
RA Rosin Activated
RAC Remote Access and Control: Rambus ASIC Cell
RAE Residue After Evaporation
RAID Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
RAIRS Reflection-Absorption InfraRed Spectroscopy
RAM Random Access Memory; Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability
RAMP Reliability Analysis and Modeling Program
RAS Sun Raster Image format
RAW Raw file image format
Rb Rubidium
RBB Base sheet resistance
RBC Red Blood Cell
RBOC Regional Bell Operation Company
RBS Resonant Bond Scattering; Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry; Refractive backscattering
RBSOA Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area
RCCL Return Channel Cable and LMDS DTV platforms
RCS Revision Control System; Return Channel Satellite
RCT Reference Cluster Tool; Return Channel Terrestrial
RDF Resource Description Framework
RDR Rotating Disk Reactor
RDRAM Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
RDS Radio data system
RDS Radio data system
RDT Real Data Transport
Re Rhenium
RE Rare Earths
Ref Reference; Reference Voltage
RegTP Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post
REL Recommended Exposure Limit; Rights Expression Language
REM Reflection Electron Microscopy
RESSFOX REcessed Sealed Sidewall Field OXidation
Rf Rutherfordium
RF Radio Frequency; Resonance Frequency
RfC Request for Comment
RFI Request For Information; Radio Frequency Interference
RFIC Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit
RFICP Radio Frequency ICP
RFID Radio Frequency IDentification
RFM Radio frequency monitoring
RFO Restricted flow orifice
RfP Request for Plan; Request for Proposal
RFP Radio Frequency Probe
RFQ Request for quote
RFS Regardless of Feature Size
RFT Resistive Force Theory; Request For Tender
RGA Residual gas analysis
Rh Rhodium
RH Relative humidity
RHEED Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction
RHET Resonant Hot-tunnelling Electron Transistor
RIBE Reaction Ion Beam Etching
RIE Reactive Ion Etching
RIM Read-in mode
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer/Computing
RIST Rule induction and statistical testing
RKKY Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida
RLE Windows or CompuServe RLE image format
RLI Resist LIthography
RMA Rosin Mildly Activated
RMI Remote Method Invocation
RMOS Refractory Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
RMS root Mean Square; Recipe Management Standard
RMSEP root Mean Square Error of Prediction
RMTF Recipe Management Task Force
Rn Radon
RNN Recurrent Neural Network
RO Reverse Osmosis
ROC Remote Object Communications
ROE Return On Equity
ROI Return On Investment
ROM Read-Only Memory; Rough Order of Magnitude
ROS Record-On-Silicon
ROX Run Of eXperiments
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RPR Resilient Packet Ring
RQ Reportable Quantity
RR Removal Rate
RRMSEP Relative root Mean Square Error of Prediction
RS232 Norm for serial transmission
RSE Reactive sputter etch

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RSE Reactive sputter etch
RSH Remote SHell
RSM Response surface methodology; response surface matrix
RSS RDF Site Summary
RST Reynolds Stress
RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
RT Room Temperature
RTA Rapid thermal anneal
RTB Real-time backplane
RTCP Real-Time Control Protocol
RTCVD Rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition
RTD Resistance temperature detector
RTF Rich Text Format
RTL Resistor-transistor logic; register transfer level
RTM Rapid thermal multiprocessing
RTO Rapid thermal oxidation; Regenerative thermal oxidizer
RTOS Real Time Operating System
RTP Rapid Thermal Processing; Real-Time Transport Protocol
RTR Real-time reporting
RTS Request to send; Random Telegraph Signal
RTSP Real-Time Streaming Protocol
RTSPC Real-Time Statistical Process Control
RTV Room Temperature Vulcanizing
RTY ReTrY limit
Ru Ruthenium
RwoH Reliability without Hermeticity
RZ Return to Zero

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