Ga | Gallium |
GaAs | Gallium Arsenide |
GAC | Granular Activated Carbon |
GAIM | GSM Analog Interface Module |
GAL | Gate Array Logic |
GaN | Gallium Nitride |
GaP | Gallium Phosphide |
GASAD | Gate And Source And Drain |
GB | Giga Byte |
GC | Gas Chromatography; Gravimetric Calibrator |
GCC | Generic Cell Controller |
GCD | Gas Chromatography Distillation |
GCMS | Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy |
Gd | Gadolinium |
GD | Glow Discharge |
GDMS | Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry |
GDS | Graphical Design System; Graphical Design Software |
Ge | Germanium |
GEM | Generic Equipment Model; Ventura/GEM drawing image format |
GEMVS | GEM Verification System |
GES | Generic Equipment Simulator |
GFAAS | Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry/spectroscopy |
GFC | Gas Filter Correlation |
GFCI | Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter |
GGG | Gadolinium Gallium Garnet |
GHz | GigaHertz |
GIF | Gatan Imaging Filter; CompuServe Graphics Interchange Image Format (pronounced 'jif') |
giga | 1.00E+9 (1,000,000,000/1; symbolized by the prefix G) |
GILD | Gas Immersion Laser Doping |
GLC | Gas Liquid Chromatography |
GLU | General Logic Unit |
GLUE | Generally 7400-series chips to glue (connect) VLSI-chips together |
GMA | Gas Metal Arc (welding) |
GML | Geospatial Markup Language |
GND | Ground (voltage level) |
GNOS | GaN-on-Sapphire |
GOI | Gate Oxide Integrity; GaAs On Insulator |
GOSIP | Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile |
GPE | Gas Phase Etching |
GPIB | General-Purpose Interface Bus |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRINSCH | GRaded INdex Separate Confinement Heterostructure |
GSCE | Gas Source Control Equipment |
GSM | Global Systems for Mobile (communications) |
GSMBE | Gas Source MBE |
GSPID | Gain-Scheduled Proportional Integro-Differential |
GTA | Gas Tungsten Arc (welding) |
GTO | Gate Turn Off (thyristor) |
GTS | GEM Test System |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
GWIM | Global Warming Impact Model |
H | Hydrogen |
Ha | Hahnium |
HAC | Hands-free Add on Circuit |
HAP | Hazardous Air Pollutant |
HARM | High-speed Anti-Radar Missile |
HASL | Hot Air Solder Leveling |
HAST | Highly Accelerated Stress Testing |
HAZCOM | Hazard Communication Standard |
HB | Horizontal Bridgman (crystal) |
HBT | Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor |
HCI | Hot Carrier Injection |
HCMOS | High-density Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor |
HCP | Hexagonal Close Packed |
HCS | Hot-Carrier Suppressed |
HCT | High-speed CMOS TTL compatible |
HD | High Density; High Definition |
HDCP | High Bandwidth Digital Content Protocol |
HDL | Hardware Description Language |
HDP | High Density Plasma; Hydrostatic Deformation Potential |
HDPE | High-Density PolyEthylene |
HDSD | Hydrogen Defect Shallow Donors |
HDSL | High (bit rate) Digital Subscriber Line |
HDTV | High Definition TV |
He | Helium |
hecto | 1.00E+2 (100/1; symbolized by the prefix h) |
HEM | Hydrogenic Effective Mass |
HEMT | High Electron Mobility Transistor |
HEPA | High-Efficiency Particulate Air |
Hf | Hafnium |
HF | Hydrofluoric acid; High Frequency |
HFC | Hybrid Fiber/Coax |
HFET | Heterojunction FET |
HFI | HyperFine Interaction |
HFRR | HydroFluoric acid Reprocessor Return system |
HFS | HyperFine Shift |
Hg | Mercury |
HGF | Horizontal Gradient Freeze |
HGL | Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language image format |
HIBS | Heavy Ion Backscattering Spectrometry |
HIC | Hybrid Integrated Circuits |
HIGFET | Heterojunction Insulated Gate FET |
HIPOX | HIgh-Pressure OXygen |
HIPPI | High Performance Parallel Interface |
HITS | Head-End-in-the-Sky (AT&T) |
HLF | Horizontal Laminar Flow |
HMAC | Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code |
HMDS | HexaMethylDiSilazane |
HMIS | Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement |
HMMP | Hazardous Materials Management Plan |
HMOS | High-performance MOS; High-density MOS |
Ho | Holmium |
HOLZ | Higher-Order Laue Zone |
HOMER | Hazardous Organic Mass Emission Rate |
HOMO | Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital |
HOPG | Highly-Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite |
HP | High Purity |
HPC | High Performance (micro) Controller |
HPCC | High Performance Computing and Communicating |
HPEM | Hybrid Plasma Equipment Model |
HPI | High-Pressure Isolation |
HPL | High Performance Logic |
HPLC | High-Performance Liquid Chromatography |
HPM | Hazardous Production Materials; High Purity Metal |
HPNA | Home Phoneline Network Alliance |
HPV | High-Pressure Vent |
HRA | Human Reliability Analysis |
HREELS | Hi-Res Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy |
HREM | Hi-Res (Transmission) Electron Microscopy |
HRS | Holographic Readout System |
HRTEM | Hi-Res Transmission Electron Microscopy |
HSCC | High-Level Serial Communication Controller |
HSCX | High-Level Serial Communication Controller Extended |
HSCSD | High Speed Circuit-Switched Data |
HSMS | High Speed Message Services |
HTCS | High Tc (critical temperature) Superconductors |
HTE | High Temperature Electronics; High Temperature Elongation |
HTH | Head-To-Head |
HTL | High-Threshold Logic |
HTML | HyperText Markup Language |
HTO | High-temperature Oxidation |
HTRB | High-temperature Reverse Bias |
HTS | High Temperature Superconductor |
HTSC | High Temperature Super Conductor |
http | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
https | HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL |
HTU | Height of Transfer Unit |
HUPW | Hot UltraPure Water |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning |
HVEM | High-Voltage Electron Microscopy |
HV-SLIC | High Voltage Subscriber Line Interface Circuit |
HWHM | Half Width at Half Maximum |
HY | Hybrid |