Ga Gallium
GaAs Gallium Arsenide
GAC Granular Activated Carbon
GAIM GSM Analog Interface Module
GAL Gate Array Logic
GaN Gallium Nitride
GaP Gallium Phosphide
GASAD Gate And Source And Drain
GB Giga Byte
GC Gas Chromatography; Gravimetric Calibrator
GCC Generic Cell Controller
GCD Gas Chromatography Distillation
GCMS Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy
Gd Gadolinium
GD Glow Discharge
GDMS Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry
GDS Graphical Design System; Graphical Design Software
Ge Germanium
GEM Generic Equipment Model; Ventura/GEM drawing image format
GEMVS GEM Verification System
GES Generic Equipment Simulator
GFAAS Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry/spectroscopy
GFC Gas Filter Correlation
GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
GGG Gadolinium Gallium Garnet
GHz GigaHertz
GIF Gatan Imaging Filter; CompuServe Graphics Interchange Image Format (pronounced 'jif')
giga 1.00E+9 (1,000,000,000/1; symbolized by the prefix G)
GILD Gas Immersion Laser Doping
GLC Gas Liquid Chromatography
GLU General Logic Unit
GLUE Generally 7400-series chips to glue (connect) VLSI-chips together
GMA Gas Metal Arc (welding)
GML Geospatial Markup Language
GND Ground (voltage level)
GNOS GaN-on-Sapphire
GOI Gate Oxide Integrity; GaAs On Insulator
GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile
GPE Gas Phase Etching
GPIB General-Purpose Interface Bus
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning System
GRINSCH GRaded INdex Separate Confinement Heterostructure
GSCE Gas Source Control Equipment
GSM Global Systems for Mobile (communications)
GSMBE Gas Source MBE
GSPID Gain-Scheduled Proportional Integro-Differential
GTA Gas Tungsten Arc (welding)
GTO Gate Turn Off (thyristor)
GTS GEM Test System
GUI Graphical User Interface
GWIM Global Warming Impact Model



H Hydrogen
Ha Hahnium
HAC Hands-free Add on Circuit
HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant
HARM High-speed Anti-Radar Missile
HASL Hot Air Solder Leveling
HAST Highly Accelerated Stress Testing
HAZCOM Hazard Communication Standard
HB Horizontal Bridgman (crystal)
HBT Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
HCI Hot Carrier Injection
HCMOS High-density Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
HCP Hexagonal Close Packed
HCS Hot-Carrier Suppressed
HCT High-speed CMOS TTL compatible
HD High Density; High Definition
HDCP High Bandwidth Digital Content Protocol
HDL Hardware Description Language
HDP High Density Plasma; Hydrostatic Deformation Potential
HDPE High-Density PolyEthylene
HDSD Hydrogen Defect Shallow Donors
HDSL High (bit rate) Digital Subscriber Line
HDTV High Definition TV
He Helium
hecto 1.00E+2 (100/1; symbolized by the prefix h)
HEM Hydrogenic Effective Mass
HEMT High Electron Mobility Transistor
HEPA High-Efficiency Particulate Air
Hf Hafnium
HF Hydrofluoric acid; High Frequency
HFC Hybrid Fiber/Coax
HFET Heterojunction FET
HFI HyperFine Interaction
HFRR HydroFluoric acid Reprocessor Return system
HFS HyperFine Shift
Hg Mercury
HGF Horizontal Gradient Freeze
HGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language image format
HIBS Heavy Ion Backscattering Spectrometry
HIC Hybrid Integrated Circuits
HIGFET Heterojunction Insulated Gate FET
HIPOX HIgh-Pressure OXygen
HIPPI High Performance Parallel Interface
HITS Head-End-in-the-Sky (AT&T)
HLF Horizontal Laminar Flow
HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code
HMDS HexaMethylDiSilazane
HMIS Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement
HMMP Hazardous Materials Management Plan
HMOS High-performance MOS; High-density MOS
Ho Holmium
HOLZ Higher-Order Laue Zone
HOMER Hazardous Organic Mass Emission Rate
HOMO Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital
HOPG Highly-Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite
HP High Purity
HPC High Performance (micro) Controller
HPCC High Performance Computing and Communicating
HPEM Hybrid Plasma Equipment Model
HPI High-Pressure Isolation
HPL High Performance Logic
HPLC High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
HPM Hazardous Production Materials; High Purity Metal
HPNA Home Phoneline Network Alliance
HPV High-Pressure Vent
HRA Human Reliability Analysis
HREELS Hi-Res Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
HREM Hi-Res (Transmission) Electron Microscopy
HRS Holographic Readout System
HRTEM Hi-Res Transmission Electron Microscopy
HSCC High-Level Serial Communication Controller
HSCX High-Level Serial Communication Controller Extended
HSCSD High Speed Circuit-Switched Data
HSMS High Speed Message Services
HTCS High Tc (critical temperature) Superconductors
HTE High Temperature Electronics; High Temperature Elongation
HTH Head-To-Head
HTL High-Threshold Logic
HTML HyperText Markup Language
HTO High-temperature Oxidation
HTRB High-temperature Reverse Bias
HTS High Temperature Superconductor
HTSC High Temperature Super Conductor
http HyperText Transfer Protocol
https HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL
HTU Height of Transfer Unit
HUPW Hot UltraPure Water
HVAC Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
HVEM High-Voltage Electron Microscopy
HV-SLIC High Voltage Subscriber Line Interface Circuit
HWHM Half Width at Half Maximum
HY Hybrid

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