C |
Carbon; Capacitance/Capacitor |
C-band | 4-6 GHz (3.7-4.2 downlink, 5.925-6.425 uplink) |
C/N | Carrier to Noise ratio |
C3 | Command, Control and Communicate |
C4 | Controlled Collapse Component Connection |
Ca | Calcium |
CA | CIM Architecture |
CAA | CIM Applications Architecture |
CAB | Competitive Analysis Benchmarking |
CAD | Computer-Aided Design |
CADT | Control Application Development tool |
CAE | Computer-Aided Engineering |
CAF | Controlled Ambient Facility; Cathotic Annodic Filaments |
CAFM | Computer Aided Facilities Management |
CAG | Competitive Analysis Group |
CAGE | Commercial And Government Entity |
CAI | Computer-Assisted Instruction |
CAIBE | Chemically-Assisted Ion Beam Etching |
CALS | Computer-Aided Logistics Support (Air Force Program) |
CAM | Computer-Aided Manufacturing; Content Addressable Memory |
CAPP | Computer Aided Process Planning |
CAPS | Computer-Assisted Problem Solving |
CAR | Computer-Aided Research; Computer-Aided Repair |
CARRI | Computerized Assessment of Relative Risk Impacts |
CASE | Computer-Aided Software Engineering; Computer-Aided Systems Engineering |
CAT | Computer-Aided Testing; Conditional Access Table |
CATV | Cable TV |
CAW | Construction Analysis Workgroup |
CAWC | Cryogenic Aerosol Wafer Cleaning |
CB | Carbon Black; Conduction Band; Common Base configuration |
CBA | Cell-Based Architecture |
CBD | Convergent Beam Diffraction |
CBE | Chemical Beam Epitaxy, aka MOMBE |
CBED | Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction |
CBGA | Ceramic Ball Grid Array |
CBM | Conduction Band Minimum |
CBS | Chemical Bottle Storage Area |
CBT | Computer-Based Training |
CC | Chip Carrier; Cluster Controller; Common Collector; Composite Capabilities |
CCAPS | Circuit Assembly and Processing System |
CCC | Ceramic Chip Carrier |
CCD | Charge Coupled Device; Configuration Coordinate Diagram |
CCSA | China Communications Standards Association |
CCSL | Compatible Current-Sinking Logic |
CCW | Counter ClockWise |
Cd | Cadmium |
CD | Critical Dimension; Compact Disc |
CDA | Copper Development Association; Clean Dry Air |
CDB | Cell Delineation Block device |
CDE | Chemical Downstream Etch |
CDEM | Customer Delivery Enterprise Model |
CDI | Collector-Diffusion Isolation |
CDM | Common Device Model for SAB |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access (handsets) |
CDO | Controlled Decomposition/Oxidation |
CD/OL | Critical Dimension Overlay |
CDR | Chemical Distribution Room; Compact Disc Rewriteable/Recordable; CorelDraw image format; Clock and Data Recovery |
CDR | format; Clock and Data Recovery |
CD-ROM | Compact Disc Read-Only Memory |
Ce | Cerium |
CE | Capillary Electrophoresis; Common Emitter |
CEA | Constant Efficiency Amplifier; Consumer Electronics Association |
CEC | Cell Evaluation Chip |
CEE | Control Execution Environment |
CEF | Crystal Electric Field |
CEM | Continuous Emissions Monitoring |
CEN | Comité Européen de Normalisation; European Committee for Standardization |
centi | 1.00E-2 (1/100; symbolized by the prefix c) |
CEPT | COMETS Equipment Performance Tracking |
CER-DIP | CERamic Dual In-line Package |
Cf | Californium |
CFA | Component Failure Analysis |
CFC | ChloroFluoroCarbon |
CFD | Computational Fluid Dynamics |
CFI | CAD Framework Initiative; Common Flash-memory Interface |
CFM | Contamination-Free Manufacturing; Continuous Flow Manufacturing; Cubic Foot per Minute |
CFMRC | Contamination-Free Manufacturing Research Center |
CFP | Ceramic Flat Pack |
CGA | Compressed Gas Association; Column Grid Array |
CGBA | Ceramic Ball Grid Array |
CGM | Computer Graphics Metafile image format |
CHF | Critical Heat Flux |
CHR | Communication History Report |
CHTML | Compact Hypertext Markup Language |
CI | Confidence Interval |
CIC | Cleanroom Interface Chamber |
CID | Charge-injection device |
CIDf | Content ID form |
CIE | Computer-Integrated Engineering |
CIM | Computer-Integrated Manufacturing |
CIM-OSA | Computer-Integrated Manufacturing-Open Systems Architecture (ESPRIT program) |
CIP | Continuous Improvement Program |
CIS | Center for Integrated Systems; Copper Indium Selenide |
CISC | Complex Instruction Set Computer |
CITIS | Contractor Integrated Technical Information Services |
Cl | Chlorine |
CL | CathodoLuminescence |
CLC | Cancel Lot Cycle |
CLCC | Ceramic Leaded Chip Carrier |
CLIC | Closed-Loop Intensity Control |
CLIW | Customized Long Instruction Word |
CLP | Windows clipboard image format |
Cm | Curium |
CM | Configuration Management; Cassette Module |
CMA | Cylindrical Mirror Analyzer |
CMC | Cassette Module Controller; Copper Molly Copper |
cmil | Circular mil |
CML | Current Mode Logic |
CMM | Capability Maturity Model |
CMOS | Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor |
CMP | Chemical Mechanical Polishing |
CMR | Common-Mode Rejection ratio; Cancel Move Request |
CMS | Coordinate Measuring System; Content Management System |
CMT | Cadmium Mercury Telluride; Chip Mounting Technology |
CMTS | Cable Modem Termination System |
CMTS | Cable Modem Termination System |
CMUG | Cost Modeling Users Group |
CMX | Corel clipart image format |
CNC | Computer Numerical Control; Condensation Nucleus Counter |
CNDO | Complete Neglect of Differential Overlap |
CNS | Central Nervous System |
Co | Cobalt |
COB | Chip-On-Board |
COC | Cost Of Consumables |
COD | Consumed Oxygen Demand |
CODEC | COder-DECoder |
COFDM | Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex |
COFF | Universal format for binary files (not standard) |
COFI | Codec Filter |
COFISLIC | Codec Filter and Subscriber Line Interface Circuit |
COGS | Cost Of Goods Sold |
COED | Computer Optimized Experimental Design |
COL | Characteristic Orange Luminescence |
COM | Component Object Model |
COO | Chief Operating Officer; Cost Of Ownership |
COOL | Cost Of Ownership Luminator (Wright, Williams, & Kelly) |
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture |
CORE | Composite Object Reference |
COSS | Common Object Services Specification |
COT | Customer-Owned Tooling |
CP | Process capability; Chip Place; Capability Performance |
CP/M | Computer Program/Maintenance |
CPA | Charged Particle Analysis |
CPD | Contact Potential Differences; Concurrent product development; Common Path Distortion |
CPE | Communications, Participation, and Education program; Customer Premises Equipment |
CPGA | Ceramic Pin Grid Array |
CPID | Common Path Intermodulation Distortion |
CPK | Process capability index |
CPL | Capability Performance, Lower |
CPLD | Complex Programmable Logic Device |
CPU | Central Processing Unit; Capability Performance, Upper |
CQFP | Ceramic Quad Flat Pack |
CQN | Closed-Queuing Network |
Cr | Chromium |
CR | Cyclotron Resonance |
CRADA | Cooperative Research And Development Agreement |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CRID | Content Reference IDentifier |
CRL | Certificate Revocation List |
CRM | Cost/Resource Model; Consumer Relationship Management |
CRO | Cathode Ray Oscilloscope |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
Cs | Cesium |
CSA | CIM Systems Architecture; Canadian Standards Agency; Conceil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel |
CSE | Control Systems Engineering Department |
CSF | Critical Success Factor |
CSG | Constructive Solids Geometry |
CSIC | Customer Specific Integrated Circuit |
CSL | Current-Steering Logic |
CSMA/CD | Carrier-Sense, Multiple-Access/Collision Detection |
CSP | Chip Scale Package |
CSP | Chip Scale Package |
CSPED | Concurrent Semiconductor Production and Equipment Development |
CSR | Consumer Service Representative |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets language |
CST | CIM Systems Technology |
CSTR | Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor |
CSU | Channel Service Unit |
CSV | Comma-Separated Variable |
CT | Cycle Time |
CTC | Cluster Tool Controller; Counter Timer Circuit |
CTE | Coefficient of Thermal Expansion |
CTEM | Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy |
CTF | Contrast Transfer Function |
CTI | Cycle Time Improvement |
CTL | Complementary Transistor Logic |
CTMC | Cluster Tool Modular Communications |
Cu | Copper |
CUB | Central Utility Building |
CUBES | Capacity Utilization Bottleneck Efficiency System |
CUI | Common User Interface |
CUSUM | CUmulative Sum |
CUT | Dr Halo image format |
CV | Capacitance-to-Voltage; Curriculum Vitae |
CVC | Chemical Vapor Cleaning |
CVCM | Collected Volatile Condensable Materials |
CVD | Chemical Vapor Deposition |
CVS | Cyclic Voltammetry Stripping |
CW | Continuous Wave; ClockWise |
CWDM | Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing |
CYM | CYcle Model |
CZ | CZochralski Process |
CZT | Cadmium Zinc Telluride |