n | Nano |
N | Nitrogen |
Na | Sodium |
NA | Numerical aperture |
NAA | Neutron activation analysis |
NADCAP | National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Procedures |
NAND | Logic term - Not-AND |
nano | 1.00E-9 (1/1,000,000,000; symbolized by the prefix n) |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
Nb | Niobium |
NBE | Near Band Edge |
NBR | Nitrile Butadiene-Acrylonitrile Rubber |
NBS | National Bureau of Standards |
NC | NanoCrystal; Numerical control |
NCMS | National Center for Manufacturing and Science |
NCS | Network Communication Standard |
NCTA | National Cable & Telecommunications Association |
Nd | Neodymium |
ND | New Donor; Native defect |
NDA | Nondisclosure agreement |
NDE | Nondestructive evaluation |
NDIR | Non-dispersive infrared spectroscopy |
NDP | Neutron depth profiling |
NDT | Nondestructive testing |
NDUV | Non-dispersive ultraviolet spectroscopy |
Ne | Neon |
NEC | National Electric Code |
NECQ | National Electronics Component Qualification System |
NEMA | National Electrical Manufacturers Association |
NEP | Noise Equivalent Power |
NESHAP | National emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants |
NETD | Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference |
NewsML | News Mark-up Language |
NEXAFS | Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure |
NEXT | Near End Crosstalk |
NFE | Near Free Electron |
NFOM | Near field optical microscopy |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
Ni | Nickel |
NIC | Network Interface Card |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
NIST | National Institute for Science and Technology |
NITF | News Industry Text Format |
NIU | Network Interface Unit |
NLO | Non-Linear Optic |
NLOVS | Niet Lineaire Optica Vaste Stoffen |
NLR | Non-Linear Refraction |
nm | Nanometer |
NMOS | Negative channel metal-oxide semiconductor |
NMR | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; Normal mode rejection |
NN | Nearest Neighbor; Neural network |
NNN | Next Nearest Neighbor |
No | Nobelium |
NOB | Non-biased Optical Bistable (device) |
NOCI | Non Orthogonal Configuration Interaction |
O | Oxygen |
OA | Organic Acid |
OAAF | Open Advanced Authoring Format |
OAC | Optical Absorption Coefficient |
OASIS | Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards |
OBA | Object Behavior Analysis |
OBEM | Object-Based Equipment Model |
OBIC | Optical Beam Induced Current |
OBL | Object-Based Language |
OC | Open Collector |
OCAP | OpenCable Application Platform |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition |
OCSP | Online Certificate Status Protocol |
OD | Outside Diameter |
O-D | Zero dimensional |
ODBC | Open DataBase Connectivity |
ODEND | OR Optical Detected ENDOR |
ODEPR | Optical Detected EPR |
ODMII | Optical Detected Microwave induced Impact Ionization |
ODMR | Optical Detected Magnetic Resonance |
ODP | Ozone Depletion Potential |
ODR | Oscillating Disk Rheometer |
ODRL | Open Digital Rights Language |
ODS | Ozone-Depleting Substances |
OEBR | Optical Edge Bead Removal |
OEE | Overall Equipment Effectiveness |
OEIC | OptoElectronic IC |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer; Office of Emergency Management |
OES | Oti l E i i S t |
OES | Optical Emission Spectroscopy |
OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing |
OFHC | Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity Copper |
OFS | Open File System |
OI | Opto Isolator |
OID | Object Interaction Diagram; Object IDentification |
OIL | Ontology Interface Layer |
OIM | Orientational Imaging Microscopy |
OL | Overlay |
OLB | Outer Lead Bond |
OLE | Object Linking and Embedding |
OLED | Organic LED |
OLS | Ordinary Least Squares |
OM | Operational Modeling; Optical Microscopy; OrganoMetallic |
OMA | Object Management Architecture; Open Mobile Alliance |
OMG | Object Management Group |
OMS | Optical Mass Spectroscopy |
OMT | Object Modeling Technique |
OMVPE | Organometallic VPE |
ONE | Open Network Environment (Sun) |
ONP | Optical Nuclear Polarization |
OO | Object-Oriented |
OOA | Object-Oriented Analysis |
OOD | Object-Oriented Design |
OODB | Object-Oriented Data Base |
OODBMS | Object-Oriented Data Base Management System |
OOP | Object Oriented Programming |
OOPS | Object-Oriented Programming System |
OpAmp | Operational Amplifier |
OPC | Optical Particle Counter; Optical Proximity Correction |
OPL | Optically Pumped Laser |
OPSE | Optically Pumped Stimulated Emission |
OPW | Orthogonalized Plane Wave |
OR | Logic term - OR |
ORB | Object Request Broker |
ORM | Other Regulated Material |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Os | Osmium |
OS | Operating System |
OSC | Organic Solderability Coating |
OSCI | Online Services Computer Interface |
OSD | On Screen Display |
OSDH | Optical Shubnikhov-de Haas effect |
OSF | Open Systems Foundation |
OSHA | Occupational Safety Hazards Act |
OSI | Open System Interconnection |
OSP | Organic Solderability Preservative |
OSRM | Office of Standard Reference Materials |
OSS | Object Services Standard; Operation Support System |
OSV | Offset Scan Voting |
OTP | One Time Programmable |
OTPROM | One Time Programmable ROM |
OVD | Outside Vapor Deposition ( Corning ) |
OVL | Overlay |
OX | OXide |