Pin | Name | Direction | Color | Description |
1 | /STROBE | Out | | A low on this line indicates, that there is valid data at the host. When this pin is de-asserted, the +ve clock edge should be used to shift the data into the device. |
2 | Data 0 | IN/OUT | | Address, Data or RLE Data Bit 0 |
3 | Data 1 | IN/OUT | | Address, Data or RLE Data Bit 1 |
4 | Data 2 | IN/OUT | | Address, Data or RLE Data Bit 2 |
5 | Data 3 | IN/OUT | | Address, Data or RLE Data Bit 3 |
6 | Data 4 | IN/OUT | | Address, Data or RLE Data Bit 4 |
7 | Data 5 | IN/OUT | | Address, Data or RLE Data Bit 5 |
8 | Data 6 | IN/OUT | | Address, Data or RLE Data Bit 6 |
9 | Data 7 | IN/OUT | | Address, Data or RLE Data Bit 7 |
10 | Ack | In | | A low on this line indicates, that there is valid data at the Device. When this pin is de-asserted, the +ve clock edge should be used to shift the data into the Host. |
11 | Busy | In | | When in reverse direction a HIGH indicates Data, while a LOW indicates a Command Cycle. |
12 | Paper Out / End | In | | When Low, Device acknowledges Reverse Request. |
13 | Select | In | | Extensibility Flag |
14 | Auto Linefeed | Out | | When in forward direction a HIGH indicates Data, while a LOW indicates a Command Cycle. |
15 | Error / Fault | In | | A LOW set by the device indicates reverse data is available |
16 | Initialize | Out | | A LOW indicates data is in reverse direction |
17 | Select Printer | Out | | A HIGH indicates Host is in 1284 Transfer Mode. Taken low to terminate. |
18 | GND | In | | Signal Ground |
19 | GND | | | Signal Ground |
20 | GND | | | Signal Ground |
21 | GND | | | Signal Ground |
22 | GND | | | Signal Ground |
23 | GND | | | Signal Ground |
24 | GND | | | Signal Ground |
25 | GND | | | Signal Ground |